Week 18 - Speaking
Week 18 - Speaking
Heeyy! How are you??
This week we worked with speaking, already rounding up this task. I uploaded down below a file where you can find 70+ pages of questions for each of the tasks. I thought you might find it useful to practice on your own any of the tasks.
Remember that:
- in Task 1 you are supposed to answer personal questions, keeping your speech concise and effective.
- In Task 2 you are given a prompt and you are supposed to take one minute to prepare your answer and then you have to speak for about 4 monutes. If you run out of things to say, go for the PPF method (speak about something that happened to you in the past, how that situation is in the present and how you expect it to be in the future).
- And then in Task 3 you are going to be asked questions that deal with the topic you were given on the previous task. Here, there will be more in-promptu and deeper questions that aim at making you talk about the world and society in general, so that the test takers can see how well you can express your ideas and reasonings. You are supposed to give longer and more elaborate answers in this section.
If you want to, you can record yourselves answering some of the questions and upload it to the task below and I'll give you feedback ASAP.
I hope you find it useful, see you next time!
Here you have de PDF version of a compilation of questions on all the 3 tasks, ordered by topic in alphabetical order.
This is the DOCX version, in case you want to modify something.
If you want to, you can send me some recordings through here.