Fourth Activity 15/05

Tarea de peliculas.

Tarea de peliculas.

de Paloma Murray Gambale -
Número de respuestas: 0

His name is  Carl  and he is from the movie up.

His name is  Rayo Macuin and  he is from the movie  cars.

His name is  Linguini and he is from the movie ratatouille.

Her name is Boo and she is from the movie Monster  inc.

His name  Alberto and he is from the movie luca.

Her name is Merida  and she   is from the movie valiente.

Her name  is Eva  and she is from the movie  Wallie .

His name is  Bos  Lightyerr and she is from the movie  lightyerr.

Their  names are  Woody and Jessie  and their from  the movie toy stori.

Their names are dory and Nemo  and their from the movie buscando a Nemo .

Their names are  Ian and Barley  and their from the movie  unidos.

Their names are Jack -Jack and violeta and their from the movie los increíbles.

Their names are 22 and Joe and their from the movie soul.

Their names are Rosie and  filk  and their from the movie los bichos.

Their names are Miguel and Dante and their from the movie coco.

Their names are Alegría and Desagrado  their from  the movie intensamente. 
